Итоги IV Кубока памяти Ларичева В.Н. и Пустовалова В.А. 2015г.24 по 26 апреля 2015 г. IV Кубок памяти Ларичева В.Н. и Пустовалова В.А. и всех волейболистов Оренбуржья кого сегодня с нами нет. Среди ветеранов и юношей.Результаты Ветераны 1. ПРОМА 2.ЗТЗ 3. Машзавод Юноши 1.ДЮСШ 7 г.Оренбург 2.СОШ №1 п.Пригородный 3. СОШ п.Экспериментальный Комментарии
11 сентября 2015 г.
I've implemented a cross trianing program between the DB team and the Ops team. I've found it very useful to explain to the Ops team how DBs, logs, DB security, etc work. They've also done some sessions on network security and other stuff. I'm hoping to get to Clustering and VMWare soon so we can all be on the same page with many of the technologies that both of our teams are involved with. We've managed to get a good DR process using DB Mirroring to a remote location working well; both teams worked very well on this effort.I want to highlight Brent's first question Do you have a great relationship between the SQL Server, storage, and network teams? Without a doubt, this has been the most important part of breaking the Silos and working towards a successful solution that works out for everyone. After all DBAs are good at relations since we work with relational data all the time, right?
16 июня 2016 г.
This article acveihed exactly what I wanted it to achieve.
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