Положение Турнир "Олимпийского Резерва"
18 сентября
11 сентября 2015 г.
Scott, sorry for not replying to this soenor! I would be very unwilling to violate a known support boundary that potentially affects all of my Exchange data. Think, for a second, about what happens to clients when an NFS mount hangs underneath them. Now think about the effect that could have on your databases. All of them. At the same time.If I remember correct, the Veeam solution is making snapshots of the virtual machine (hence the restriction about VMDKs). This is *also* not supported by Microsoft for Exchange, regardless of hypervisor flavor. See for more information, specifically:Some hypervisors include features for taking snapshots of virtual machines. Virtual machine snapshots capture the state of a virtual machine while it is running. This feature enables you to take multiple snapshots of a virtual machine and then revert the virtual machine to any of the previous states by applying a snapshot to the virtual machine. However, virtual machine snapshots are not application-aware, and using them can have unintended and unexpected consequences for a server application that maintains state data, such as Exchange Server. As a result, making virtual machine snapshots of an Exchange guest virtual machine is not supported.SME is a fine product, and once you have the snapshots on your filer you can use NDMP to back them up to another target.
16 июня 2016 г.
Sleep Apnea is a disease we should not take for granted because it can really affect our evaerdyy life plus the fact that it can also lead into a vary fatal illness.
17 июня 2016 г.
I can't believe you're not playing with mea--htt was so helpful.
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ООО "Компания Техносервис" - Сеть магазинов для строительства, пр-зд Автоматики, д.12, т.75-12-22
ООО «Завод трубных заготовок» - ул. Терешковой 283 тел. 36-51-22 |
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