Областной календарь соревнований по волейболу на 2014 год.
11 февраля
27 июля 2014 г.
Being in Japan last Christmas, I refrained myslef from making a strawberry shortcake as I had scruples about eating strawberries in the middle of winter, but now that spring has come... I would try to make it more perfect even if I could : I like very much the uneven cover you gave to it. Thank you for this new great note.
29 июля 2014 г.
Hi Chika, Like others i am a sinlet reader of your blog. To me is a very special delight. I "collect" your photos just to enjoy the beauty of them and to inspire my food presentation. I love your simple and natural style. It is dificult to explain what exactly i like it so much. This cake look i find the best. Maybe, as you wrote, isn't perfect ...to others, but to me is truly perfect.I'll keep thinking what is exactly what i like so much of your blog just to tell you.Thank you for sharing and inspire me
16 июня 2016 г.
That's a cunning answer to a chnilenglag question
17 июня 2016 г.
I really aparicepte free, succinct, reliable data like this.
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